Thursday, November 12, 2009

Philadelphia Pine Street Pizza Review

Pine Street Pizza is located at 1138 Pine Street, Philadelphia, PA (corner of 12th Pine, hence the name). Established at some point in the late 1970’s (about 30 years ago), this pizzeria is still serving Center City Philadelphia residents. They are open 7 days a week and have a very extensive menu.

Pine Street Pizza is a pick up or delivery operation but if you would like you can also sit and eat inside (they have several tables). They staff is very pleasant and if you like arcades they have them too in the other room.

Pine Street pizza mainly serves American style pizza with the cheese on top. I ordered a slice of pepperoni pizza for $2.25, a little high. The highlight of this slice was the shape. The shape was a traditional triangle slice shape but the length was shorter and the width was much wider. The crust was traditional style thickness but very crispy. However, there weren’t any signs of charring. There was a slight residual of oil on top but this may be due to the massive amounts of pepperoni that they packed on top (all of which were very big slices).

The cheese was packed nice on top of the sauce. The sauce was barely tasted from the overpowering of the cheese and pepperoni.

I enjoyed this pizza but I think the slice price could have been a tad cheaper. Then again, they are located in Center City Philadelphia and this is the premium the customers must pay to buy there. If you were to buy a large pepperoni pie the price would be $8.95, which becomes much more reasonable.

Pine Street Pizza welcome to the Best Philadelphia Pizza Club!

Pine Street Pizza on Urbanspoon


  1. Seriously, Pine St pizza gets best of, but you panned NYPD pizza? I don't know what happened on your visits but I strongly recommend trying both again. With comparable slices.

  2. Anonymous,

    For my pizza reviews, I call as I see it (or eat it). I take it that you are not a big fan of Pine Street pizza?

  3. Hi! Thanks for the great information you have provided! You have touched on crucuial points! i bookmarked it and will be back to check some more later. Pine Street Pizza - PA
